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 "The Life of a Gentleman" by RL Taylor

Harrison Blake Apparel believes that it is important, not only to look great, but also to present yourself well.

Gain More Respect & Confidence with Lessons in Life, Etiquette and Personal Style Laid out in an informational and workbook style, The Life of a Gentleman engages the reader and delivers a powerful message. Style is only the beginning as you will also learn about etiquette, manners, personal finance, mental health & speech. This book does not talk down to the reader, but rather builds up with an engaging delivery and an encouraging tone. This is the essential guide to transform any man or adolescent male into a sophisticated gentleman that the world must respect.

"An excellent book adding to the cannon of knowledge that every gentleman needs, one to add to the bookshelf and read avidly." -The Perfect Gentleman,Lifestyle and Education Company of London

"Clear, concise advice on many subjects for the modern man." -Southern Gentleman Image Consulting