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Winter Cake by Christian Forbes @gasketraynes

Posted by Christian Forbes @gasketraynes on

Let’s face it, cake is better when it has layers. Has someone ever handed you a sheet cake? One layer? You’re probably like, get that sheet outta my face! Cake needs to have multiple layers for maximum deliciousness.

Staying warm and stylish in the winter also requires layers. But done right, you can achieve maximum deliciousness! Sure, you could just throw on a giant Gortex coat and go, like George Costanza…but that could be just as disastrous for you as it was for him.

So why not break away from the big, ugly, cumbersome coat and breathe winter life into your wardrobe with scarfs, gloves, sweaters, vests, jackets and for good measure a top coat or two!

By having a few essential pieces, you can begin pairing your winter warmers as part of your fashionable look, instead of as the grandma quilt you wrap around that’s designed to repel the cold and compliments alike.

So how do we layer? I won’t pretend I’ve got it all figured out, but here are a few options!


If you get a chance please follow @gasketraynes on Instagram for awesome style inspiration...

Thanks for the tips Christian!